Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A Letter To The Hearts Of My Generation

A Letter To The Hearts of My Generation Pt.3

"Throughout the years you lose friends, family and lovers. Loss is inevitable. It's a rough reality of life, but it doesn't have to be all bad cause there's a lot to learn from loss. Life's journey is a marathon; everybody that starts with you won't have what it takes to finish with you. One of the toughest things to accept in this life is that people grow apart. Sometimes you have to love somebody enough to let them go. That may be easier said than done, but just because it isn't easy doesn't mean it isn't necessary. If you're trying to go places in life, you can't keep following the people who are content with just going anywhere. You need to be around people who have a sense of purpose and direction. We're all impressionable, so if you want to get ahead, make sure you're starting the process off by putting yourself around the right influences. It's simple math; if people aren't adding value to your life, then they need to be subtracted. If the people around you aren't helping you dream bigger, inspire you to work harder or motivating you to do better, then you're in the wrong circle. When you care about something, you protect and cherish it, your care for it makes it better. Don't avoid having expectations, you should expect the people who claim they care about you to show it, and in more ways than one. If you show me somebody you feel you can't expect anything from, I'll show you somebody you don't need in your life. Be aware of those who claim to care more, when their actions show that they could care less. Some people are around, just to be around. Stop letting people just "chill" in your life and take up space. Make sure their presence has a purpose. Great people can't come into your life if you keep allowing average people to block the door. Sometimes you just need to remove them. If they don't see your vision, they'll compromise your mission. You can't always control who you lose in life, but you can control who you hold onto but just make sure they're worth it. Stop going back and looking for closure in situations that have already closed you out. Keep your eyes on the prize, keep your heart open, and keep God first."

- Rob Hill Sr.

Rob Hill Sr. is a writer, poet and motivational speaker. I typed this quote from an audio mixtape of his that I unfortunately couldn't upload, which I listen to everyday for a bit of motivation, "The Heart Healer". Do check out his videos on Youtube as well :)

Please spread the message, somebody out there needs to read this :)

Beijos xoxo


  1. Life is really tough and having expectations from people is like giving a thread of your happiness in their hands. The letter is very motivating and it touched my heart. Rob Hill shared great advices here which everyone should follow.

    Thanks for sharing the blog post.
    Mark Duin
    Motivational Speaker

  2. Oh my precious Niece! First of all thank you for sharing your blog with us... your writing just keeps getting better and right now i can honestly relate to this piece (so you just dont know what you just did for me).. *Arigato* Secondly, your absolutely right. Letting go of people isnt easy but it doesnt mean its not Necessary! So thank you for helping me to fix my own dilemma :-) and well done! Cannot wait to see you. Take care, spread the Love and always remember the Prince of Peace loves you devine being! Peace <3
    Maria Shangula

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i really needed this at a this point in my life! Thank You
